meta name="title" content="Everton Mad" /> Everton Mad: please Jermaine don't go :-(

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

please Jermaine don't go :-(

so the rumours been doing the rounds a few days now - Sven wants our Becks to join the big money revolution at Leicester. I for one really hope this doesn't happen as I really like him and think he is a quality player with goals written through like a stick of blue rock. Also don't forget he's one of the current squad who has got pace which is particularly important for us up front where he can get in behind teams and stretch them at the back. Lose him and we're back to Big Vic lumbering about like Sloth off the Goonies and The Yak strolling about like he's off to collect his pension from the post office (which he probably is , nigerian passport eh ha ha?)

i would much rather a few of the others went before him (like the Yak or Yobo) and certainly think the £3 mil offered is far too cheap if we were gonna sell. its depressed me thinking about him going so fuck it i'm gonna put another picture of pamela anderson up to cheer us all up for the first game when it finally arrives :-)

did you just say liverpool only drew?!