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Thursday, 13 October 2011

rooneys dad

this is old news a bit but was talking with some of the boys re the alleged (I will repeat that in capitals as nothing has been proved as yet and he is an innocent man for all we know so is ALLEGED still) rumours re Rooneys dad and betting irregularities. how does this relate to everton i hear you ask? well i'm sure some of you still remember wayne used to grace the goodison turf before he buggered off to supposedly better things.

thing that struck everyone was that if it relates to games Shrek was involved in then it would be very interesting indeed. cos then the spotlight of truth would surely come his way and a few other players in the premier league  too i bet. who can forget the betting scandals in cricket specifically Hanse Cronje? and even in our game with the Grobbelar allegations? and didn't Fash the Bash get accused too as well at one point? (i will point out as well that these were totally unproven allegations and these two were found completely innocent too)

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would it be so outlandish  to think match fixing goes on in our beautiful game with the amount of money involved now? is up to you but i know what i think - but that is just my personal opinion of course and i have no evidence to ! back it up