aaahhhhh and as usual things are never simple in everton land. why couldn't god have waited a few weeks to appoint o'neill as manager of sunderland so we could have played them when they down & out?! instead we travel to the SOL facing a side suddenly high on confidence and keen to impress the new gaffer. which would explain why what had looked an entirely winnable game was actually a lot more difficult.
as usual for this season we decided to be nice and let the opposition have the first goal - poor defending again to let Coulbeck net for them. things looked to be petering out for a loss when for once we benefited from all the dodgy refereeing decisions goin round. it never looked a pen but we've had a fair few go against us so nice to get one in our favour. as usual Bainesy put it away to rescue a point. go on leighton :-)